When looking at a candle, it is not the wax that is important but the light.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Everything is already there
At the end of June, beginning of July, where I live, is the time of the fireflies. They suddenly turn up at dawn from one day to the next, beaming at each other. They seem to dance to a tune that only they can hear. Every year I am fascinated by this truly amazing game of nature.
The inner glow
Every year around this time, the garden is lit by 10 million fireflies, which remind us that our power comes from within. Out of us, out of this inner light. They remind us that everything is possible. Truly everything. What we can do for it?
Every day we can choose anew to light up and follow this inner light.
Fireflies always know their path
When we listen to our inner voice and follow our heart, we are always on the right track. And then there are the fireflies, which, from time to time, remind us with their glow to trust in ourselves, in our inner strength.
My painting “10 Million Fireflies” was inspired by this magic and consists of bright, colorful and contrasting layers of acrylic paint, ink and charcoal. On your wall, it brings back the magic of trust.
This and other available originals can be found in my Artwork Archive. Art prints and other products with my designs can be found in my Redbubble Shop. Questions? Let me know!